The commercial intention of debt sizing is often quite straightforward but to implement in a model can go from a difficulty level 2/10 to 8/10 very quickly. This course gives you the skills to tackle literally any situation. We use VBA, of which you need no prior knowledge; you will come away confident and equipped with the techniques and straight-forward ‘readable’ VBA syntax that is needed for these situations. This is a VBA course in-disguise! You will learn skills that translate to scenario analysis and more but by focussing on debt.
You will start from a cashflow model with a debt account and will learn how to:
This course is designed for people who already know the basics of debt but want to be able to analyse more realistic term sheet mechanics and have either no or unsatisfactory experiences working with VBA routines in the past. This is the course that sets you up to be the Debt Guru in your team!
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