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Boost your confidence and effectiveness.

The perfect course for those starting out in financial modelling or seeking a refresher to boost their effectiveness. We’ve designed this popular course to communicate the key concepts, to lay a critcal foundation for any role involving financial modelling.

You will actively learn how to:

  • Work more efficiently - with shortcuts and ‘ways of working’.
  • Learn and implement the critical Excel functions.
  • Avoid and reduce errors.
  • Harness Range Names and Styles – no more manual formatting.
  • Develop transparent and consistent calculations.
  • Understand and embed the core principles of Best Practice Modelling principles.
  • Set up and use a Scenario Manager.
  • “Do those things you see others do but not sure how they were done”.

You will cover the ~10 Excel functions with which you can solve 90% of any financial modelling challenge – we cover these thoroughly and advise ‘not to do’. You’ll appreciate by the end of the course that great modelling is not about your depth of Excel knowledge which will further boost your confidence in developing your own calculations and understand an existing model. Ultimately – make modelling less stressful by boosting your confidence and efficiency.

Let’s start solving your challenges – Contact Us